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PVD components for first-class coatings

The heart of PVD processing - magnetron sputter and linear ion sources from INORCOAT

PVD components from INORCOAT - Efficient heartbeat!

We offer a unique technology portfolio for your coatings.

We offer a wide range of PVD sources for different materials and coating processes. Whether magnetron sputter sources, linear ion sources – together with you we will find the optimal configuration for every application.

All PVD sources used in INORCOAT PVD systems are low maintenance, long life and extremely efficient.

  • You are planning your unique PVD project?
  • You want to upgrade or convert your existing PVD system to INORCOAT components?


INORCOAT Magnetron Sputtering Cathodes!

INORCOAT’s magnetron sputter sources are characterized by high energy density, high ionization rate of the sputtered atoms and thus high bias current. This leads to dense and yet low-stress layers at very moderate bias voltages.

INORCOAT linear ion sources!

INORCOAT’s linear ion sources have very good cleaning and surface activation efficiency under very low heat generation. This results in the striking increase of the adhesion strength.

Magnetron sources with HiPIMS Powersupply:

High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is an advanced process that uses the effect of pulse-like discharges with powers greater than 1 MW to achieve a significantly increased degree of ionization.

The high degree of ionization can significantly change the properties of the growing layer via a modified growth mechanism and leads, for example, to higher adhesive strength.

It is important to us that the complex PVD process is simplified and made absolutely understandable and accessible to the customer.

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