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R&D - Your PVD Development

We develop your ideal PVD coating for you!

We develop your PVD coating!

Research and development of customized PVD coatings.

The INORCOAT PVD development laboratory works with state-of-the-art PVD systems, measurement and control systems to develop customized solutions. In close cooperation with you, we perform test coatings on your material samples and prototypes, and determine the perfect PVD configuration for your application with controlled test series.


Depending on the requirements, we apply different test series. Defined scratch tests provide information about the hardness and surface quality of the PVD coating on your material.

Your requirement is our motivation!

Know How is Passion

INORCOAT DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) coatings

Amorphous a-C:H coatings, also known as DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon, amorphous carbon), have excellent properties for forming tools in tool and mold making. Due to the very low coefficient of friction, they are used in particular where no (or only low) lubrication is possible or desired. Due to very good anti-stick behavior, DLC coatings support the forming process.

Figure 1: An INORCOAT DLC coating

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